Project Spotlight

Library’s fun, innovative programs encourage inclusion

Redwood City Public Library Director Derek Wolfgram and the entire RCPL leadership team are committed to inclusion.  The first of the library's five operating principles is:  "Our community is welcoming and inclusive, celebrates the diversity of our population, and enjoys a friendly, neighborly community spirit. The Redwood City Library has been using innovative programming to build relationships [...]

Continuing to lead the way on housing

As cities throughout the Bay Area determine how to address the region’s housing needs, multi-sector collaboratives are helping to guide the way. Over the past two and a half years, Common Knowledge has walked alongside members of Home for All, a county-wide collaborative, as they work to improve the climate for housing decisions in San Mateo [...]

Bay Area libraries launch news literacy initiative

It’s no secret that we’re fans of libraries. In case we needed another reason, Bay Area libraries are taking an exciting step to address news literacy and help prevent the spread of fake news. With assistance from Common Knowledge Group, Pacific Library Partnership (PLP) – a network of 42 Bay Area libraries – is launching a [...]

By |2022-11-20T10:42:37+00:00October 12th, 2017|Categories: Community Driven Design, Project Spotlight, Top|Tags: , |0 Comments

Home for All selects pilot cities in San Mateo County

Communities throughout the Bay Area are being challenged by how the increase in jobs outpaces increases in housing supply. To address the jobs/housing gap, the County of San Mateo convened a multi-sector task force, which has become the Home for All initiative. Led by County of San Mateo Supervisors Don Horsley and Warren Slocum, the Home [...]

By |2022-08-19T20:34:49+00:00October 12th, 2017|Categories: Project Spotlight, Top|Tags: , |0 Comments

Free Webinars about Listening and Facilitation

Listening is one of those skills we use all the time, but usually not very well. There is a difference between authentic listening and waiting for the other person to finish talking so you can get your turn to speak. In a debate, we selectively listen for the “weak points” in the other person’s thoughts so [...]

Community Driven Design Increases Voter Turnout

A student from Berkeley Reads looks over the 2016 Easy Voter Guide. "This one is a lot better than the other one," he said. "It is simpler to understand." Busting the apathy myth:  an origin story The seminal project that launched Common Knowledge over 20 years ago was the "Key to Community Voter Involvement Project." [...]

Feeling overwhelmed by a bloated ballot? Turn to the Easy Voter Guide

This is not a test. Before joining Common Knowledge, I served as a high school special education teacher. My students were caring, intelligent and incredibly hard working, but nearly all felt anxious when it came time to take tests. At Common Knowledge, we believe that voting shouldn’t feel like a test. Even so, I know that [...]

By |2022-08-19T20:34:50+00:00October 5th, 2016|Categories: Project Spotlight|Tags: |0 Comments

Pioneering Forum on Public Employee Pensions

The Common Knowledge team supported Marin County officials in planning and facilitating a very well attended educational forum on sustainable public pensions on the evening of April 3rd, 2012.  County leaders were pleased with the opportunity to model successful community engagement practices around a difficult financial issue, and felt this event served as a positive pivot [...]

By |2022-08-19T20:34:50+00:00May 16th, 2012|Categories: Project Spotlight|0 Comments
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