Adult Literacy

An Update on The New Resume Project

More and more jobs are advertised online and computers are screening the resumes. Creating a resume that gets read and noticed is hard for anyone and can be especially challenging for adult literacy students. Research by the U.S. Department of Education indicates that nearly 25 percent of adults in California struggle with basic literacy skills. For [...]

Community Driven Design Increases Voter Turnout

A student from Berkeley Reads looks over the 2016 Easy Voter Guide. "This one is a lot better than the other one," he said. "It is simpler to understand." Busting the apathy myth:  an origin story The seminal project that launched Common Knowledge over 20 years ago was the "Key to Community Voter Involvement Project." [...]

Recent Presentations

Common Knowledge facilitated a December 2016 offsite day for Code for America. The end of 2016 was full of workshops for the next generation of civic leaders. On November 3rd we presented a pre-summit workshop at the Code for America Summit in Oakland: The Next Generation of Community Engagement. There are an increasing number of new tools for [...]

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